6 분 소요

Oxford Phrase List 중 B1 Level의 문장,영문 뜻, 예문 추가 및 정리

출처 : Oxford Phrase List

Phrase Meaning Example Sentence
a bit more slightly more Can you add a bit more sugar?
a bit of sth a small amount of something I need a bit of help.
access to sth the right to use something Do you have access to the internet?
after all despite everything It wasn’t so bad after all.
a great deal a large amount I’ve improved a great deal.
a great deal better much better I feel a great deal better now.
a great deal of sth a large amount of something There was a great deal of noise.
aim to do sth intend to do something We aim to finish by Friday.
a kind of… a type of It’s a kind of fruit.
I had a kind of feeling this might happen. I had a feeling this might happen. I had a kind of feeling this might happen.
a little bit a small amount Could you wait a little bit?
a little more slightly more I need a little more time.
along with sb/sth in addition to someone or something She came along with her friend.
a lot more much more He has a lot more to say.
alternative to sth an option instead of something We need an alternative to plastic.
and so on and other similar things “Bring your notebooks, pens, and so on.”
apart from except for “Apart from the rain, it was a nice day.”
a range of sth a selection of something They offer a range of services.
a wide range of sth a large selection of something There is a wide range of options.
as if… in the same way that He looked as if he knew the answer.
as if nothing had happened as if nothing happened She carried on as if nothing had happened.
as much as the same amount as I love you as much as you love me.
as soon as possible as quickly as possible Please reply as soon as possible.
at last finally We found it at last.
at risk in danger The project is at risk of failing.
at times sometimes “At times, I feel like giving up.”
attached to sb/sth connected to someone or something He feels very attached to his hometown.
a variety of sth different kinds of something The store offers a variety of products.
be about to do sth to be going to do something very soon I was about to leave when you called.
be going on happening What’s going on here?
What’s going on? What is happening? I don’t know what’s going on.
be known as sb/sth to be recognized as He is known as a great artist.
benefit from sth to gain advantage from You will benefit from this course.
be supposed to do sth expected to do something You are supposed to finish this by Friday.
be supposed to be sth expected to be something He is supposed to be the best.
break up to end a relationship They decided to break up.
break up with sb to end a relationship with someone She broke up with him last year.
by the time (that)… at the time when “By the time we arrived, it was dark.”
can’t afford sth unable to pay for something We can’t afford a new car.
can’t afford to do sth unable to do something because of cost I can’t afford to buy this house.
care for sb to look after someone She cares for her elderly parents.
caused by sth caused by something The accident was caused by the rain.
check sb/sth out to examine someone/something You should check out that new cafe.
choose to do sth to opt to do something She chose to study abroad.
clean up to clean something We need to clean up this mess.
clean sth up to clean something thoroughly Can you clean the kitchen up?
click on sth to press on something (usually with a mouse) Click on the link to open the page.
come up with sth to think of something Can you come up with a solution?
compared with sth in comparison with something “Compared with last year, sales are up.”
concentrate on sth to focus on something I need to concentrate on my studies.
consist of sb/sth to be made up of someone/something The team consists of five members.
decide on sth to choose something Have you decided on a date?
depending on according to “Depending on the weather, we might go out.”
developing countries countries that are not yet fully developed Developing countries need support.
due to sb/sth because of someone/something The delay was due to traffic.
economic growth increase in economy Economic growth is vital for the country.
end up to finally be in a place or situation We ended up staying longer than planned.
even if even if something happens I will go even if it rains.
even though despite the fact “Even though it was late, he called.”
exactly the same completely the same The results are exactly the same.
experience in sth knowledge or skill in something She has experience in marketing.
fail to do sth to not succeed in doing something He failed to turn in his homework.
fall asleep to fall into sleep She fell asleep during the movie.
far more much more There are far more options now.
far more important much more important Education is far more important.
far more opportunities many more opportunities This job offers far more opportunities.
far too excessively This is far too difficult.
far too much homework too much homework I have far too much homework.
fed up tired and annoyed I’m fed up with this weather.
for a while for some time I’ll be back in a while.
for free without payment You can have it for free.
for instance for example “There are many options, for instance, tea, coffee, and juice.”
for life for the rest of one’s life He got a job for life.
a job for life a job that lasts for one’s entire career She wants a job for life.
for long for a long time I won’t be gone for long.
for some time for a period of time I haven’t seen him for some time.
get on with sb to have a good relationship with someone I get on well with my colleagues.
get to know sb to become familiar with someone I hope to get to know you better.
get used to sth to become accustomed to something You will get used to the new system.
get used to doing sth to become accustomed to doing something He got used to waking up early.
global warming increase in Earth’s temperature Global warming is a serious issue.
go ahead to proceed Go ahead and start without me.
go ahead with sth to proceed with something You can go ahead with the project.
go wrong to happen incorrectly Something has gone wrong with my computer.
growth in sth increase in something There has been growth in the tech industry.
have no idea to not know I have no idea what to do.
have sth in common to share something in common They have a lot in common.
have sth in common with sb to share something in common with someone I have a lot in common with my sister.
have sth in common with sth to share something in common with something This book has something in common with the other.
hear of sb/sth to know about someone/something Have you heard of this band?
heart disease disease related to the heart He has heart disease.
high street main street of a town She lives near the high street.
higher education education beyond high school She is pursuing higher education.
if I were you advice phrase to suggest what you would do “If I were you, I’d take the job.”
in addition also He studies and works in addition.
in addition to sb/sth as well as someone/something “In addition to his job, he volunteers.”
in a way that… in a manner that She spoke in a way that everyone understood.
