15 분 소요

Oxford Phrase List 중 A1 Level의 문장,영문 뜻, 예문 추가 및 정리

출처 : Oxford Phrase List

Phrase Meaning Example Sentence
a bit a small amount I need a bit of sugar in my coffee
able to do sth having the ability to do something She is able to solve complex problems
a couple of sth two or a few of something I saw a couple of birds in the garden
add to sth to increase or enhance something Please add some milk to the coffee
again and again repeatedly He reads the same book again and again
all about… completely about This book is all about space travel
Tell me all about it. Ask for complete details about something Tell me all about it after your trip
all kinds of… various types of She enjoys all kinds of music
all over… throughout The festival is celebrated all over the city
all over the world everywhere in the world He has friends all over the world
all sorts of… various types of We discussed all sorts of ideas
all the time constantly She is happy all the time
a long time ago a significant amount of time in the past Dinosaurs lived a long time ago
a long way a great distance The school is a long way from here
a number of sth several There are a number of reasons for his decision
a large number of sth a large quantity of something A large number of people attended the concert
apply for sth to make a formal request for something She decided to apply for the job
art gallery a place where art is exhibited We visited the art gallery yesterday
as a result because of this “She missed the bus and as a result, she was late”
as a result of sth due to something “As a result of the rain, the event was canceled.”
as part of sth as a component of something He joined the club as part of his new hobby.
as part of a team as a member of a group She works well as part of a team.
as soon as immediately when Call me as soon as you arrive.
as well in addition I will have tea as well.
as well as sb/sth in addition to someone/something He likes pizza as well as pasta.
at first initially,”At first I didn’t understand the problem.”
at least no fewer than You need to study at least two hours a day.
at the age of… when someone reaches a specific age She started her career at the age of 22.
at the start of sth at the beginning of something We were nervous at the start of the race.
at the time at that moment He was very busy at the time.
at that time during that period,”At that time I was living in New York.”
at the time of sth when something happens He was born at the time of the revolution.
at the top at the highest point The view from the top is amazing.
at the top of sth at the highest point of something There is a flag at the top of the building.
based on sth derived from something The movie is based on a true story.
be allowed to do sth having permission to do something You are allowed to use your phone.
believe in sb/sth to have faith or trust in someone/something She believes in fairies.
belong to sb to be the property of someone This book belongs to Sarah.
belong to sth to be a member or part of something He belongs to a hiking club.
be made of sth consist of The house is made of bricks.
by the end of sth by the conclusion of something “By the end of the day, we were exhausted.”
care about sth to have an interest in something She cares about the environment.
carry on to continue They decided to carry on despite the difficulties.
carry on with sth to continue with something She carried on with her work.
carry sth out to perform or complete a task We need to carry out a survey.
check in to register upon arrival Please check in at the front desk.
check in at… to register at a specific place We need to check in at the airport.
check sth in to register something (like luggage) He checked his bags in at the counter.
check out to leave and pay for services Check out is at noon.
check out of sth to leave a place after registration We need to check out of the hotel by 11 AM.
climate change changes in global or regional climate patterns Climate change is a serious issue.
close to sb/sth near to someone or something He lives close to the school.
come back to return Please come back soon.
Come on! used to encourage someone “Come on, you can do it!”
connected to sth related to something The computer is connected to the printer.
connected with sb/sth related to someone/something She is connected with many professionals.
credit card a card issued by a bank allowing the holder to purchase goods or services on credit I used my credit card to buy the tickets.
deal with sb to handle or manage someone She knows how to deal with difficult clients.
deal with sth to handle or manage something He deals with the finances.
depend on sb/sth to rely on someone or something Children depend on their parents.
depend on sb/sth for sth to rely on someone or something for a specific thing He depends on his job for income.
depend on sth to be determined by something Success depends on hard work.
do well to perform well She did well in the exams.
each one each individual one Each one of the students passed.
end with sth to conclude with something The meeting will end with a summary.
even more… even more than previously mentioned It’s even more expensive than I thought.
even more difficult even more challenging The test was even more difficult than expected.
even more exciting even more thrilling The trip was even more exciting than last year.
everyone else every other person Everyone else has left.
except for excluding Everyone except for John was present.
fall in love to develop romantic feelings They fell in love at first sight.
fall in love with sb to develop romantic feelings for someone She fell in love with him.
fall off to fall off something He fell off the bike.
fall off sth to fall from a specific place She fell off the ladder.
far away a great distance away The island is far away.
feel good to feel positive I feel good about my decision.
feel like sth to have the sensation of something I feel like eating ice cream.
fill sth in to complete something by writing Please fill in this form.
find it difficult to do sth to find something hard to do I find it difficult to concentrate.
first of all first and foremost “First of all, let me introduce myself.”
focus on sb/sth to concentrate on someone or something He needs to focus on his studies.
followed by sb/sth to be followed by someone or something The ceremony will be followed by a reception.
for the rest of sth for the remaining part of something She will stay for the rest of the week.
for this reason due to this “For this reason, we need to act quickly.”
get back to return I’ll get back to you later.
get better to improve I hope you get better soon.
get lost to become lost They got lost in the city.
get out to leave Get out of the car.
get out of sth to escape from something She managed to get out of the meeting.
give up to stop trying He decided to give up smoking.
give sth up to relinquish something I had to give my seat up.
go and… to go and do something Go and check if the mail has arrived.
go and get help to seek assistance Go and get help if needed.
go away to leave a place They decided to go away for the weekend.
go down to decrease Interest rates are going down.
Prices are going down. Prices are decreasing. Prices are going down this month.
go down sth to descend something Go down the stairs.
Go down the road. Walk down the street. Go down the road and turn left.
go for sth to attempt something I decided to go for the job.
go for a walk to take a walk Let’s go for a walk.
go up to increase Interest rates are going up.
Prices are going up. Prices are increasing. Prices are going up this month.
good luck expression of wishing someone success Good luck with your exam.
happen to sb/sth to occur to someone or something What happened to your car?
happy with sb/sth to be satisfied with someone or something She is happy with her job.
have a look to take a glance Have a look at this picture.
have a look at sth to examine something Have a look at the report.
have got to to be obliged to I have got to go now.
Have you ever…? Question about past experience Have you ever been to Paris?
health problems problems related to health He has many health problems.
hear about sb/sth to become aware of someone or something I heard about the accident.
I don’t care expression of indifference I don’t care what people think.
if necessary if it is needed Take another route if necessary.
if you want to if you wish You can stay if you want to.
I guess expression of uncertain opinion I guess I’ll stay home.
I’m afraid… expression of regret I’m afraid we have to cancel.
I mean used to clarify or explain “I mean, we could try again.”
in business engaged in commerce She is in business with her brother.
in danger at risk The species is in danger of extinction.
in history within historical context This event is significant in history.
the first time in history the very first time in recorded history It’s the first time in history this has happened.
in hospital admitted to a hospital She is in hospital recovering.
in love experiencing love They are in love.
in love with sb having romantic feelings for someone She is in love with him.
in prison incarcerated He is in prison for theft.
in some cases in certain situations “In some cases, exceptions can be made.”
instead of in place of We had coffee instead of tea.
in the air in the atmosphere Birds are flying in the air.
in the end eventually “In the end, we decided to go.”
in the middle at the center She was standing in the middle.
in the middle of sth in the center of something He is in the middle of a meeting.
in the same way in a similar manner We decorated the room in the same way.
in this way in this manner “In this way, you can save time.”
it depends used to express uncertainty It depends on the weather.
it all depends it entirely depends It all depends on the outcome.
I think so used to express agreement “I think so, too.”
I don’t think so used to express disagreement I don’t think so.
lead to sth to result in something Hard work can lead to success.
less than… fewer than The box weighs less than 5 kg.
Let me… used to offer assistance Let me see that.
Let me help you. an offer to help someone Let me help you with that.
let me know inform me Let me know if you need anything.
look after sb/sth/yourself to take care of someone/something/yourself She looks after her siblings.
look back at sth to reflect on something Look back at the events of the day.
Look back at your notes. review your notes Look back at your notes before the test.
look sth up to search for information You can look it up online.
make a mistake to make an error Everyone makes a mistake sometimes.
make money to earn money She wants to make money online.
make sense to be logical That doesn’t make sense.
make sure to ensure Make sure you lock the door.
make sure of sth to confirm something Make sure of the details.
make sure that… to ensure that… Make sure that you finish on time.
much better significantly improved I feel much better now.
not at all used to express strong disagreement “Not at all, it was my pleasure.”
I didn’t enjoy it at all. I did not enjoy it at all. I didn’t enjoy it at all.
no way used to express disbelief “No way, that’s incredible!”
No way! used to express strong disbelief No way! I can’t believe it.
There is no way (that)… There is absolutely no possibility that… There is no way we can finish this on time.
Oh dear expression of mild dismay “Oh dear, that’s unfortunate.”
Oh well expression of resignation “Oh well, better luck next time.”
on earth used to emphasize a question What on earth are you doing?
on the ground on the surface The ball is on the ground.
on the other side on the opposite side He is waiting on the other side.
on the other side of sth on the opposite side of something She lives on the other side of the river.
on the wall attached to the wall There is a clock on the wall.
on time punctually The train arrived on time.
on top of sth/sb on the surface of something/someone The book is on top of the table.
one or two a few We have one or two options.
ordinary people average people Ordinary people can make a difference.
pay attention to concentrate Pay attention to the instructions.
pay attention to sb/sth to concentrate on someone/something Pay attention to what he says.
per hour per unit of time The speed limit is 60 miles per hour.
kilometres per hour speed in kilometres per hour The car was traveling at 80 kilometres per hour.
miles per hour speed in miles per hour He was driving at 50 miles per hour.
pick sb/sth up to collect someone/something I will pick you up at 8.
police officer a law enforcement officer She is a police officer.
police station a place where police work He went to the police station.
public transport transportation available for public use I use public transport every day.
put sth on to dress in something Put on your jacket.
quite a lot a significant amount He has quite a lot of friends.
quite a lot of sth a large quantity of something There is quite a lot of food.
reasons why explanations for something There are many reasons why.
refer to sb/sth to mention someone/something You need to refer to the manual.
refer to sb/sth as sth to call someone/something a specific name They refer to him as the expert.
report on sth to give an account of something I will report on the findings.
respond to sth/sb to reply to someone/something Please respond to my email.
save money to economize We need to save money for the trip.
science fiction genre of speculative fiction I love reading science fiction.
search for sth/sb to look for someone/something They are searching for clues.
so that… in order to We left early so that we could avoid traffic.
solution to sth answer to a problem We need a solution to this problem.
sort of sth type of something What sort of music do you like?
What sorts of things do you do? What kinds of activities do you do? What sorts of things do you do?
sound like sb/sth to resemble someone/something It sounds like a good idea.
start with sb/sth to begin with someone or something Let’s start with the first chapter.
such a/an… used to emphasize a quality It was such a beautiful day.
such a good idea an excellent idea That’s such a good idea!
take care of sb/sth/yourself to look after someone/something/yourself Please take care of yourself.
take off to leave the ground (airplane) or to remove (clothing) The plane will take off soon.
take sth off to remove something “Take off your shoes, please.”
take part to participate She decided to take part in the competition.
take part in sth to participate in something Are you going to take part in the meeting?
take place to occur The event will take place next week.
the best thing the most advantageous thing The best thing about the movie was the ending.
the best thing to do the best action to take The best thing to do is to apologize.
the first thing the initial action or item The first thing you need to do is read the instructions.
the first thing I did the initial action I took The first thing I did was call my mom.
the following… the next… The following questions are for homework.
the following day the next day We will discuss it the following day.
the important thing the crucial point The important thing is to stay calm.
the most important thing the most crucial point The most important thing is to be honest.
the other side of sth the opposite side of something We live on the other side of the street.
the other side of the world the opposite side of the planet Australia is on the other side of the world.
the rest of sth the remaining part of something “I finished half of it, but the rest is still pending.”
the rest of the world the remaining part of the planet The rest of the world follows a different calendar.
these days nowadays “These days, many people work from home.”
they say… people say… They say it will rain tomorrow.
They say you can’t buy happiness. It is said that you can’t buy happiness. They say you can’t buy happiness.
throw sth away to discard something “Throw away the trash, please.”
turn sth off to switch something off Turn off the lights when you leave.
turn sth on to switch something on Can you turn on the TV?
up and down moving in opposite directions repeatedly The elevator goes up and down.
Why not…? suggestion to do something Why not try a new hobby?
work out to exercise or to solve a problem I try to work out every day.
worried about sb/sth concerned about someone/something She is worried about her exam.
would love to do sth eager to do something I would love to visit Paris.
write sth down to write something on paper Write down your goals for this year.
