22 분 소요

Oxford Phrase List 중 A1 Level의 문장,영문 뜻, 예문 추가 및 정리

출처 : Oxford Phrase List

Phrase Meaning Example Sentence
a few some but not many I have a few friends
a few minutes a short amount of time I’ll be there in a few minutes
a few times several occasions I’ve seen that movie a few times
a few years a small number of years They lived there for a few years
a good idea a sensible or good suggestion It’s a good idea to bring a jacket
Good idea! used to show agreement with an idea Good idea! Let’s do it
It’s a good idea to… advisable to do something It’s a good idea to eat healthy
That’s a good idea! used to agree with a suggestion That’s a good idea! We should try it
agree with sb to share the same opinion with someone I agree with him
a little a small amount Can you wait a little?
a little help a small amount of assistance I need a little help with this
a little money a small amount of money I have a little money left
a little sugar a small amount of sugar Please pass a little sugar
a lot a large amount There are a lot of people here
a lot to do many tasks to complete I have a lot to do today
a lot of sth a large quantity of something There is a lot of work to be done
all day the entire day She worked all day
all night the entire night He stayed up all night
all over the world everywhere in the world The news spread all over the world
anything else something additional Do you need anything else?
anyone else any other person Is there anyone else coming?
a period of time an unspecified duration We talked for a period of time
around the world worldwide She traveled around the world
arrive at… to reach a place We arrived at the station
arrive in… to arrive at a city or country They arrived in Paris
ask for sth to request something Can I ask for help?
at home in one’s house I am at home
at school in the place of education She is at school
at the beginning of sth at the start of something “At the beginning of the movie the hero arrives”
at the end at the conclusion At the end they all lived happily ever after
at the end of sth at the conclusion of something We met at the end of the street
at the moment currently I can’t talk at the moment
at the same time simultaneously They spoke at the same time
at the weekend during the weekend We will meet at the weekend
at university attending university She is at university studying law
at work performing one’s job He is at work right now
away from sb/sth not near someone or something He stayed away from the fire
bad for sb/sth harmful to someone or something Too much sun is bad for your skin
bad news unfavorable information The company had some bad news
bad thing a negative aspect It’s a bad thing to lie
the bad things about sth the negative aspects of something The bad things about smoking are well known
because of due to We canceled the trip because of the rain
begin with sth to start with something We will begin with a warm-up
be going to do sth intending to do something I am going to read a book
best friend a very close friend She is my best friend
black and white having only two colors: black and white The photograph was in black and white
car park a place to park cars We parked in the car park
cell phone a mobile phone I lost my cell phone
city centre the central area of a city The hotel is in the city centre
in the city centre located in the central area of a city We had dinner in the city centre
come from… to originate from a place He comes from Canada
come into sth to enter something She came into the kitchen
He came into the room He entered the room He came into the room and sat down
differences between A and B the distinctions between two entities We discussed the differences between cats and dogs
difficult for sb challenging for someone This puzzle is difficult for me
it is difficult for sb to do sth it is challenging for someone to do something It is difficult for him to speak in public
each other refer to two or more people doing something together They looked at each other and smiled
end in sth finish in a particular way The story ends in a surprising twist
every day each day I go for a walk every day
every week each week We have a meeting every week
every year each year She visits her grandmother every year
excuse me used to politely get someone’s attention “Excuse me, can you help me?”
family member a member of a family Every family member attended the reunion
find out discover I need to find out the truth
find out about sth discover information about something She found out about the party by accident
find out more discover additional information You can find out more on our website
for a long time for an extended period of time They have been friends for a long time
a long time a long duration It took a long time to finish the project
for a moment briefly Wait here for a moment
for example used to introduce an example “She loves pets, for example, her dog and cat”
for lunch referring to the midday meal We met for lunch at noon
for many years for numerous years He has been working here for many years
for the first time for the initial occasion She traveled abroad for the first time
get home arrive home I usually get home around 6 PM
get married enter into marriage They decided to get married next year
get off leave a vehicle or place Please get off at the next stop
get off the bus leave the bus We got off the bus at the last stop
I’m getting off here. I am leaving here. “I’m getting off here, see you tomorrow!”
get on board a vehicle or place You need to get on the next train
get on the bus board the bus He got on the bus quickly
Are you getting on? Are you boarding? Are you getting on the next flight?
get ready prepare She needs time to get ready
get ready for sth prepare for something Get ready for the big event
get ready to do sth prepare to do something I need to get ready to leave
get there arrive We should get there by noon
get to… arrive at a place How do I get to the museum?
get up rise from bed I get up at 7 AM every day
go back return Let’s go back to the start
go back to… return to a place I will go back to the office tomorrow
go home return to one’s residence I usually go home after work
go into sth enter something He went into the building
She went into her room. She entered her room. She went into her room and shut the door
good at sth competent at something He is very good at math
good for sb/sth beneficial for someone or something This vitamin is good for your health
Good morning used to greet someone in the morning Good morning! How are you today?
Good afternoon used to greet someone in the afternoon Good afternoon! How can I help you?
Good evening used to greet someone in the evening Good evening! Did you enjoy the show?
good news positive information We received some good news today
good thing a beneficial thing That’s a good thing to know
the good things about sth the positive aspects of something One of the good things about summer is the weather
go out leave home for social activities Let’s go out and have some fun
go to bed retire for the night I usually go to bed at 10 PM
go to school attend school Children go to school every weekday
go to work attend work I go to work by bus
grow up mature She wants to grow up to be a doctor
Guess what… used to introduce surprising news “Guess what, I got the job!”
half an hour thirty minutes I’ll be there in half an hour
hard work diligent effort Success requires hard work
have fun enjoy oneself We had a lot of fun at the party
have got possess I have got two siblings
have time possess time Do you have time to talk?
have time for sth possess time for something I don’t have time for games
have time to do sth possess time to do something I don’t have time to do everything
he or she either he or she He or she will be there soon
high school A school that typically includes grades 9 or 10 through 12. She will graduate from high school next year
his or her Used to refer to a person without specifying gender. Each student should bring his or her notebook
How about…? Used to suggest an alternative or to ask someone’s opinion. How about going to the park?
How are you? A common greeting inquiry about someone’s well-being. How are you today?
How long…? Used to ask about the duration of something. How long will it take to finish the project?
How many…? Used to ask about the number or quantity of something countable. How many apples are in the basket?
How much…? Used to ask about the quantity or amount of something uncountable. How much water do we need?
How often…? Used to ask about the frequency of an event. How often do you exercise?
important for sb/sth Something or someone being significant or of value to someone or something else. It is important for the team to work together
It is important for sb/sth to do sth Used to emphasize the importance of someone doing something. It is important for John to finish his homework
I’m sorry in April Used to apologize for something that happened in April. I’m sorry in April I will be out of town
“in July etc.”,Used to indicate a month or similar period. We will go on vacation in July
in bed Lying or resting on a bed. He is still in bed at 9 AM.
in class Participating in a class or lesson. She is in class right now.
in fact Actually or in reality.,”In fact he was the one who suggested it.”
in front of Located ahead of or facing something. The car is parked in front of the house.
in my opinion Expressing one’s own view or belief. “In my opinion, this is the best solution.”
in school Attending school or related to school. The students are in school from 8 AM to 3 PM.
in space Outside Earth’s atmosphere. Astronauts live in space for months at a time.
in summer During the summer season. We go to the beach in summer.
in winter During the winter season. We go skiing in winter.
in the centre Located in the middle of an area. The fountain is in the centre of the park.
in the centre of sth In the middle of a specific thing. They built a statue in the centre of the city.
in the country In a rural area. They bought a house in the country.
I live in the country. Expressing one’s place of residence in a rural area. “I live in the country, far from the city.”
the best… in the country Indicating the top quality within a country. This is the best restaurant in the country.
in the future At a future time. We will have flying cars in the future.
in the morning During the morning hours. I have a meeting in the morning.
in the afternoon During the afternoon hours. I usually take a nap in the afternoon.
in the evening During the evening hours. We watch TV in the evening.
in the north Located in the northern part. They live in the north of France.
in the south Located in the southern part. He moved to a city in the south.
in the east Located in the eastern part. The sun rises in the east.
in the west Located in the western part. California is in the west of the USA.
in the past During a previous time. People lived differently in the past.
in the street On a street. Children are playing in the street.
in the summer During the summer season. We swim in the lake in the summer.
in the winter During the winter season. We build snowmen in the winter.
in town In an urban area. “She lives in town, near the mall.”
it is important to do sth Stressing the significance of doing something. It is important to eat healthy.
It takes… Used to indicate the time required for something. It takes two hours to get to the airport.
It takes an hour to get there. Indicating that it takes one hour to reach a destination. It takes an hour to get there by bus.
kind of sb/sth Type or variety of someone or something. What kind of person would do that?
What kind of music do you like? A question about someone’s musical preferences. What kind of music do you like?
know how Possess the knowledge or skill to do something. She knows how to play the piano.
know how to do sth Have the knowledge to perform a specific task. He knows how to fix cars.
last time The most recent occurrence. When was the last time you saw her?
the last time The most recent specific event or occurrence. The last time I visited was in May.
last year The year before the current one. I traveled to Europe last year.
last month The month before the current one. She started a new job last month.
last summer The summer before the current one. They went camping last summer.
last week The week before the current one. We visited them last week.
last weekend The weekend before the current one. They had a barbecue last weekend.
learn how to do sth Acquire the skill to perform a specific task. He learned how to swim last year.
listen to sb/sth Pay attention to someone or something. She listens to music every night.
live with sb Reside with someone. He lives with his parents.
living room A room in a house for general and informal everyday use. We watched TV in the living room.
look at sb/sth To direct one’s gaze towards someone or something. She looked at the painting for a long time.
look for sb/sth To search for someone or something. I am looking for my keys.
look like sb/sth To resemble someone or something. He looks like his brother.
lots of… A large number of. There are lots of books on the shelf.
millions of… Very large quantities of. Millions of people watched the game.
mobile phone A portable telephone. She forgot her mobile phone at home.
more than… Greater in number than. There were more than 50 people at the party.
next time The following occasion. I’ll do it next time.
next year The coming year. I will graduate next year.
next month The coming month. We will go on a trip next month.
next week The coming week. The project is due next week.
No problem No issues or worries. “No problem, I can help you with that.”
of course Certainly. “Of course, I will attend the meeting.”
Oh no! An expression of dismay. “Oh no, I forgot my wallet!”
Oh yes An expression of affirmation. “Oh yes, I remember you!”
old friend A friend known for a long time. I met an old friend at the reunion.
once a… “Indicating frequency, e.g., once a day, once a month.” He goes for a run once a day.
once a month Happening one time per month. We meet once a month for lunch.
once a week Happening one time per week. They play tennis once a week.
once a year Happening one time per year. We go on a big trip once a year.
one day At some time in the future. “One day, I will visit Japan.”
on holiday On vacation. They are on holiday in Spain.
on Monday On the first day of the week. Our meeting is on Monday.
“on Tuesday etc.”,”On the second day of the week, and so on.” The concert is on Tuesday.
on television Broadcasted through the television medium. The match is on television tonight.
on the television Being shown on the television. There’s a documentary on the television.
on the beach By the shore of a sea or ocean. They relaxed on the beach.
on the floor Lying on the ground. The cat is sleeping on the floor.
on the internet Connected to the global network of computers. I found the information on the internet.
on the left Located on the left side. The store is on the left.
on the right Located on the right side. Turn on the right to get there.
on the phone Engaged in a telephone conversation. She is on the phone right now.
be on the phone Using the telephone. I will be on the phone for the next hour.
talk on the phone To converse using the telephone. They often talk on the phone.
on TV Broadcasted on TV. The news is on TV right now.
out of sth Not having something. We are out of milk.
over there In that location. The restroom is over there.
pay for sth To give money in exchange for something. I need to pay for my groceries.
phone call A telephone conversation. I received a phone call from my friend.
phone number A numerical sequence used to call someone. Can you give me your phone number?
plan for sth To make arrangements for something. We need to plan for the event.
make plans for sth To organize or arrange for something. Let’s make plans for the weekend.
What are your plans for next year? A question inquiring about future intentions for the coming year. What are your plans for next year?
play with sb/sth To engage in activity with someone or something. The children play with their toys.
post office A place where postal services are offered. I need to go to the post office.
pretty good Fairly good. The movie was pretty good.
really enjoy To take great pleasure in something. I really enjoy reading books.
I really enjoyed it. A statement expressing enjoyment. I really enjoyed it. The party was fun!
really good Very good. The cake was really good.
really like To have a strong preference for something. I really like this song.
I’d really like to… A statement expressing strong preference. I’d really like to visit Paris someday.
right now At this moment. I need to finish this right now.
See you A phrase indicating a future meeting. See you tomorrow!
See you around An informal way to say goodbye. See you around the neighborhood.
See you later An informal way to say goodbye indicating a later meeting. See you later this afternoon.
See you soon An informal way to say goodbye indicating a soon meeting. See you soon at the party.
sit down To take a seat. Please sit down and relax.
someone else another person She is talking to someone else right now.
something else a different thing I need something else to wear for the party.
speak to sb to converse with someone I need to speak to the manager.
spend time to use time doing something I like to spend time reading.
spend time doing sth to use time doing a particular activity She spends time doing yoga every morning.
spend time with sb to use time in the company of someone He spends time with his family on weekends.
stand up to rise to a standing position Please stand up when the judge enters.
stay in to stay at home I prefer to stay in on rainy days.
stay in a hotel to stay overnight in a hotel We will stay in a hotel during our trip.
stay in bed to remain in bed She decided to stay in bed all day.
I’m staying in tonight. I am not going out tonight I’m staying in tonight to watch a movie.
such as for example “You should eat more fruits, such as apples and oranges.”
swimming pool a place to swim The hotel has a large swimming pool.
talk about sb/sth to discuss someone or something They like to talk about movies.
thank you a polite expression of gratitude Thank you for your help.
thank you very much an emphatic expression of gratitude Thank you very much for your assistance.
that day refers to a specific day mentioned I remember that day very well.
the 20th century the period from 1901 to 2000 Many inventions were made in the 20th century.
the 21st century the period from 2001 to 2100 We are living in the 21st century.
the 19th century the period from 1801 to 1900 The 19th century was a time of great change.
the next day the following day He left and came back the next day.
there is used to indicate the existence of something (singular) There is a cat in the garden.
there are used to indicate the existence of something (plural) There are many books on the shelf.
there was indicates the existence of something in the past (singular) There was a noise outside last night.
there were indicates the existence of something in the past (plural) There were several people at the party.
think about sb/sth to consider someone or something I often think about my friends from school.
think of sb/sth to have an opinion about someone or something What do you think of this idea?
This is… used to introduce something or someone This is my favorite book.
This is my dad. introducing one’s father “This is my dad, John.”
this kind of… a type or sort of something I don’t like this kind of music.
this morning the early part of the day I went for a jog this morning.
this afternoon the middle part of the day I have a meeting this afternoon.
this evening the latter part of the day Let’s go to the cinema this evening.
this time a specific instance We will talk about it this time.
this year the current year I plan to travel a lot this year.
this summer the season of summer this year We went to the beach this summer.
this weekend the upcoming weekend What are your plans for this weekend?
thousands of… a very large number of something There are thousands of stars in the sky.
too long excessive in length The movie was too long.
too far excessive in distance The store is too far to walk.
too hard excessive in difficulty The exam was too hard.
too much excessive in amount There is too much sugar in this coffee.
too many excessive in number There are too many people in the room.
town centre the main area of a town The town centre is very busy today.
in the town centre located in the main area of a town The restaurant is in the town centre.
TV show a television program What is your favorite TV show?
wait for sb/sth to wait for someone or something I will wait for you outside.
wake up to awaken I wake up at 6 AM every day.
welcome to sth greeting to a place or event Welcome to our home.
What about…? asking for an opinion or suggestion What about going to the park?
work as sth to have a job as something She works as a teacher.
work for sb/sth to be employed by someone or a company He works for a big company.
work hard to put in a lot of effort She works hard to achieve her goals.
work together to cooperate They work together on the project.
work together for sth to collaborate for a common goal We work together for a better future.
work together to do sth to collaborate to achieve something Let’s work together to solve this problem.
work with sb to collaborate with someone I like to work with creative people.
would like to want I would like a cup of coffee.
I would like… I want I would like to travel to Japan.
I would like to… I want to I would like to buy a new car.
Would you like…? Do you want to? Would you like to join us for dinner?
X hours a day doing something for X hours each day He practices piano two hours a day.
X times a… doing something X times in a specified period She exercises three times a week.
X times a day doing something X times each day Take this medicine three times a day.
X times a week doing something X times each week We have meetings twice a week.
X years ago a certain number of years before now He moved here five years ago.
X days ago a certain number of days before now I saw her three days ago.
X months ago a certain number of months before now They moved in two months ago.
X weeks ago a certain number of weeks before now The project started four weeks ago.
X years later a certain number of years after now or a specified event We will meet again five years later.
X days later a certain number of days after now or a specified event She called me two days later.
X minutes later a certain number of minutes after now or a specified event The bus arrived ten minutes later.
X years old indicating someone’s age in years She is ten years old.
You’re welcome a polite response to thanks Thank you for your help. You’re welcome.
